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This list below shows the Angel Upgrades available on the Moon. They will always need to be repurchased after claiming angels unless you use gold.

List of Moon Angel Upgrades[]

Name Business Price Description References
It Begins Again All businesses 11 thousand Angels All profits x3
Sacred Steps Moon Shoe 222 thousand Angels Moon Shoe profit x3
Unseen Force Gravity Booth 3 million Angels Gravity Booth profit x3
Soul Infusions Payday Clone 4 million Angels Payday Clone profit x3
On Heavenly Wings Moon Express 55 million Angels Moon Express profit x3
Spirits Oxygen Bar 666 million Angels Oxygen Bar profit x3
Holy Ground Helium-3 Farm 7 billion Angels Helium-3 Farm profit x3
Connoisseurs Cheese Mine 88 billion Angels Cheese Mine profit x3
Group Discounts Amusement Park 999 billion Angels Amusement Park profit x3 Various amusement park discounts
BBQ Wings Werewolf Colony 1 trillion Angels Werewolf Colony profit x3
Target Practice Giant Laser 11 trillion Angels Giant Laser profit x3
Lunatics All businesses 123 trillion Angels All profits x3
Booth Swap Gravity Booth 50 quintillion Angels +10 Gravity Booth
Express Swap Moon Express 50 quintillion Angels +10 Moon Express
Farm Swap Helium-3 Farm 50 quintillion Angels +10 Helium-3 Farm
Park Swap Amusement Park 50 quintillion Angels +10 Amusement Park
Laser Swap Giant Laser 50 quintillion Angels +10 Giant Laser
Sandal Line Moon Shoe 1 sextillion Angels Moon Shoe profit x3
Weightless Wonderment Gravity Booth 9 sextillion Angels Gravity Booth profit x3
Divine Division Payday Clone 27 sextillion Angels Payday Clone profit x3
Miraculous Prices Moon Express 99 sextillion Angels Moon Express profit x3
Club Memberships Oxygen Bar 180 sextillion Angels Oxygen Bar profit x3
Extra Hands Helium-3 Farm 222 sextillion Angels Helium-3 Farm profit x3
Cheap Labor Cheese Mine 343 sextillion Angels Cheese Mine profit x3
Fast Pass-age Amusement Park 477 sextillion Angels Amusement Park profit x3
Buddy System Werewolf Colony 569 sextillion Angels Werewolf Colony profit x3
Fires Of Heaven Giant Laser 789 sextillion Angels Giant Laser profit x3
Man In The Moon All businesses 1 septillion Angels All profits x3
Booth Exchange Gravity Booth 25 octillion Angels +10 Gravity Booth
Express Exchange Moon Express 25 octillion Angels +10 Moon Express
Farm Exchange Helium-3 Farm 25 octillion Angels +10 Helium-3 Farm
Park Exchange Amusement Park 25 octillion Angels +10 Amusement Park
Laser Exchange Giant Laser 25 octillion Angels +10 Giant Laser
Fine Craftsmanship Moon Shoe 1 nonillion Angels Moon Shoe profit x2
Angelic Discount Gravity Booth 14 nonillion Angels Gravity Booth profit x2
MORE! Payday Clone 55 nonillion Angels Payday Clone profit x2 MOAR (Spongebob meme)
Sparkle Sparkle Moon Express 100 nonillion Angels Moon Express profit x2
Regulars Oxygen Bar 189 nonillion Angels Oxygen Bar profit x2
E I E I Oh My! Helium-3 Farm 267 nonillion Angels Helium-3 Farm profit x2
Tastes Heavenly Cheese Mine 404 nonillion Angels Cheese Mine profit x2
Angel Lot Amusement Park 691 nonillion Angels Amusement Park profit x2
Sweet Lycanthropy Werewolf Colony 777 nonillion Angels Werewolf Colony profit x2
Mojo Giant Laser 910 nonillion Angels Giant Laser profit x2
Moon Pious All businesses 2 decillion Angels All profits x3
Booth Boost Gravity Booth 100 decillion Angels +10 Gravity Booth
Express Boost Moon Express 100 decillion Angels +10 Moon Express
Farm Boost Helium-3 Farm 100 decillion Angels +10 Helium-3 Farm
Park Boost Amusement Park 100 decillion Angels +10 Amusement Park
Laser Boost Giant Laser 100 decillion Angels +10 Giant Laser
Seraphic Shoes Moon Shoe 5 undecillion Angels Moon Shoe profit x3
Angel-sized Booths Gravity Booth 19 undecillion Angels Gravity Booth profit x3
Guardian Clones Payday Clone 88 undecillion Angels Payday Clone profit x3
Celestial Couriers Moon Express 144 undecillion Angels Moon Express profit x3
Angel Karaoke Oxygen Bar 201 undecillion Angels Oxygen Bar profit x3
Good And Farmful Servant Helium-3 Farm 333 undecillion Angels Helium-3 Farm profit x3
Cherubic Carters Cheese Mine 400 undecillion Angels Cheese Mine profit x3
Righteous Prices Amusement Park 588 undecillion Angels Amusement Park profit x3
Investor Tours Werewolf Colony 701 undecillion Angels Werewolf Colony profit x3
Hallowed Hollower Giant Laser 911 undecillion Angels Giant Laser profit x3
Devouted Descent All businesses 50 duodecillion Angels All profits x9
Booth Trade Gravity Booth 5 tredecillion Angels +10 Gravity Booth
Express Trade Moon Express 5 tredecillion Angels +10 Moon Express
Farm Trade Helium-3 Farm 5 tredecillion Angels +10 Helium-3 Farm
Park Trade Amusement Park 5 tredecillion Angels +10 Amusement Park
Laser Trade Giant Laser 5 tredecillion Angels +10 Giant Laser
Holy Holes Moon Shoe 3 quattuordecillion Angels Moon Shoe profit x5
Gilded Gravity Gravity Booth 6 quattuordecillion Angels Gravity Booth profit x5
Copy Paste Payday Clone 12 quattuordecillion Angels Payday Clone profit x5 Copying and Pasting (Computers)
Heavenly Crew Moon Express 24 quattuordecillion Angels Moon Express profit x5
Designated Fliers Oxygen Bar 48 quattuordecillion Angels Oxygen Bar profit x5
Angel Crops Helium-3 Farm 96 quattuordecillion Angels Helium-3 Farm profit x5
Holy Cheese Cheese Mine 192 quattuordecillion Angels Cheese Mine profit x5
Blessed Merchandise Amusement Park 384 quattuordecillion Angels Amusement Park profit x5
Winged Wolves Werewolf Colony 768 quattuordecillion Angels Werewolf Colony profit x5
Death From Above Giant Laser 14 quindecillion Angels Giant Laser profit x5
Salivate-tion All businesses 500 Quindecillion Angels All profits x9
Sonata All businesses 100 Sexdecillion Angels All profits x9
Heck-Of-A-Deal Shoes Moon Shoe 5 septendecillion Angels +50 Moon Shoe
Heck-Of-A-Deal Booths Gravity Booth 5 septendecillion Angels +50 Gravity Booth
Heck-Of-A-Deal Clones Payday Clone 5 septendecillion Angels +50 Payday Clone
Heck-Of-A-Deal Deliveries Moon Express 5 septendecillion Angels +50 Moon Express
Heck-Of-A-Deal Bars Oxygen Bar 5 septendecillion Angels +50 Oxygen Bar
Heck-Of-A-Deal Farms Helium-3 Farm 5 septendecillion Angels +50 Helium-3 Farm
Heck-Of-A-Deal Mines Cheese Mine 5 septendecillion Angels +50 Cheese Mine
Heck-Of-A-Deal Parks Amusement Park 5 septendecillion Angels +50 Amusement Park
Heck-Of-A-Deal Colonies Amusement Park 5 septendecillion Angels +50 Amusement Park (This is a bug, as you should gain 50 Werewolf Colonies)
Heck-Of-A-Deal Lasers Giant Laser 5 septendecillion Angels +50 Giant Laser
Blessed Soles Moon Shoe 100 septendecillion Angels Moon Shoe profit x3
Holy Infusion Gravity Booth 200 septendecillion Angels Gravity Booth profit x3
Blessed Copies Payday Clone 300 septendecillion Angels Payday Clone profit x3
Holy Ship Moon Express 400 septendecillion Angels Moon Express profit x3
Blessed Bartop Oxygen Bar 500 septendecillion Angels Oxygen Bar profit x3
Holy Handplanted Helium-3 Farm 600 septendecillion Angels Helium-3 Farm profit x3
Blessed Swiss Cheese Mine 700 septendecillion Angels Cheese Mine profit x3
Holy Mackrel Amusement Park 800 septendecillion Angels Amusement Park profit x3
Holy Sheep Pelts Werewolf Colony 900 septendecillion Angels Werewolf Colony profit x3
Blessed Spectrometer Giant Laser 1 octodecillion Angels Giant Laser profit x3
CereMoonial Rites All businesses 316 octodecillion Angels All profits x3
Divine Inspiration All businesses 1 Novemdecillion Angels All profits x9
Shoe ZIPPITY Moon Shoe 100 vigintillion Angels +75 Moon Shoe
Booth ZIPPITY Gravity Booth 100 vigintillion Angels +75 Gravity Booth
Clone ZIPPITY Payday Clone 100 vigintillion Angels +75 Payday Clone
Express ZIPPITY Moon Express 100 vigintillion Angels +75 Moon Express
Bars ZIPPITY Oxygen Bar 100 vigintillion Angels +75 Oxygen Bar
Farm ZIPPITY Helium-3 Farm 100 vigintillion Angels +75 Helium-3 Farm
Mine ZIPPITY Cheese Mine 100 vigintillion Angels +75 Cheese Mine
Park ZIPPITY Amusement Park 100 vigintillion Angels +75 Amusement Park
Colony ZIPPITY Werewolf Colony 100 vigintillion Angels +75 Werewolf Colony
Laser ZIPPITY Giant Laser 100 vigintillion Angels +75 Giant Laser
Retroactive Sacrifice All businesses 1 Unvigintillion Angels All profits x3
Sacred Laces Moon Shoe 1 duovigintillion Angels Moon Shoe profit x3
Hallowed Air Filters Gravity Booth 2 duovigintillion Angels Gravity Booth profit x3
Sacred DNA Payday Clone 4 duovigintillion Angels Payday Clone profit x3
Hallowed Captain's Chair Moon Express 8 duovigintillion Angels Moon Express profit x3
Sacred Thrones Oxygen Bar 16 duovigintillion Angels Oxygen Bar profit x3
Hallowed Storm Shelter Helium-3 Farm 32 duovigintillion Angels Helium-3 Farm profit x3
Sacred Brie Cheese Mine 64 duovigintillion Angels Cheese Mine profit x3
Hallowed Out Castle Amusement Park 128 duovigintillion Angels Amusement Park profit x3
Sacred Snazzy Scarves Werewolf Colony 256 duovigintillion Angels Werewolf Colony profit x3
Hollower Giant Laser 512 duovigintillion Angels Giant Laser profit x3
Sacrifinanical Advice All businesses 1 tresvigintillion Angels All profits x9
Booth Bargain Gravity Booth 5 quattuorvigintillion Angels +50 Gravity Booth
Express Bargain Moon Express 5 quattuorvigintillion Angels +50 Moon Express
Bar Super Bargain Oxygen Bar 5 quattuorvigintillion Angels +100 Oxygen Bar
Mine Super Bargain Cheese Mine 5 quattuorvigintillion Angels +100 Cheese Mine
Laser Bargain Giant Laser 5 quattuorvigintillion Angels +25 Giant Laser
On The Tufted Floor Moon Shoe 100 quattuorvigintillion Angels Moon Shoe profit x7
The Over-Booth Gravity Booth 200 quattuorvigintillion Angels Gravity Booth profit x7
Angeliclones Payday Clone 400 quattuorvigintillion Angels Payday Clone profit x7
Express Express Moon Express 800 quattuorvigintillion Angels Moon Express profit x7
Sparkling Spirits Oxygen Bar 16 quinvigintillion Angels Oxygen Bar profit x7
Holy Hayers Helium-3 Farm 32 quinvigintillion Angels Helium-3 Farm profit x7
Light In The Dark Cheese Mine 64 quinvigintillion Angels Cheese Mine profit x7
Spreading Joy Amusement Park 128 quinvigintillion Angels Amusement Park profit x7
Angel Wolves Werewolf Colony 256 quinvigintillion Angels Werewolf Colony profit x7
Heavenly Glow Giant Laser 512 quinvigintillion Angels Giant Laser profit x7
A Beautiful Boost All businesses 1 sexvigintillion Angels All profits x7
Express Hostile Takeover Moon Express 100 septenvigintillion Angels +100 Moon Express
Bar Hostile Takeover Oxygen Bar 200 septenvigintillion Angels +200 Oxygen Bar
Mine Hostile Takeover Cheese Mine 300 septenvigintillion Angels +300 Cheese Mine
Shoe Holiday Sale Moon Shoe 1 octovigintillion Angels Moon Shoe profit x2
Booth Holiday Sale Gravity Booth 9 octovigintillion Angels Gravity Booth profit x2
Clone Holiday Sale Payday Clone 18 octovigintillion Angels Payday Clone profit x2
Express Holiday Sale Moon Express 27 octovigintillion Angels Moon Express profit x2
Bar Holiday Sale Oxygen Bar 36 octovigintillion Angels Oxygen Bar profit x2
Farm Holiday Sale Helium-3 Farm 45 octovigintillion Angels Helium-3 Farm profit x2
Cheese Holiday Sale Cheese Mine 54 octovigintillion Angels Cheese Mine profit x2
Park Holiday Discount Amusement Park 63 octovigintillion Angels Amusement Park profit x2
Wolf Holiday Bonus Werewolf Colony 72 octovigintillion Angels Werewolf Colony profit x2
Lasers Don't Take Holidays Giant Laser 81 octovigintillion Angels Giant Laser profit x2
Godspeed You Grey Emperor All businesses 1 novemvigintillion Angels All profits x5 Godspeed You! Black Emperor (band)

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