Cash Upgrades are Upgrades bought with money. They multiply specific profits of different businesses. After every reset, they will always need to be re-bought. Cash upgrades on Mars have the same purpose as they do on Earth and Moon.
The list below shows the upgrades available on Mars.
Upgrade List[]
Name | Business | Description | Price | Reference |
Shovel Extensions | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x33 | $15,000,000.00 | |
Oiler Oil | Marsies | Marsies profit x33 | $500,000,000.00 | |
Testosterone Cologne | Men | Men profit x33 | $100 billion | |
Extra Tall Fences | Buggles | Buggles profit x33 | $19 trillion | |
Warning Signs | Heck Portal | Heck Portal profit x33 | $1 quadrillion | |
Interpretors | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x33 | $12 quintillion | |
No Chafe Restraints | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x33 | $9 sextillion | |
Free Me2 Album | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x33 | $600 sextillion | The album "Songs of Innocence" by U2, which was given away for free to all iTunes-users. |
Genetic Modifications | Terrorformer | Terrorformer profit x33 | $3 octillion | |
Plentiful BBQs | Men | Men profit x66 | $1 undecillion | |
Saddles | Buggles | Buggles profit x66 | $3 duodecillion | |
Spray Bottles | Heck Portal | Heck Portal profit x66 | $25 tredecillion | |
Prepackaged Doves | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x66 | $130 quattuordecillion | |
Friendly Neuro-Scrubbers | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x66 | $300 quindecillion | |
Trendy Commercials | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x66 | $60 sexdecillion | |
Spider Treats | Terrorformer | Terrorformer profit x66 | $10 septendecillion | |
O2 In A Can | All businesses | All profits x33 | $1 octodecillion | |
Fancy Wheelbarrows | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x999 | $1 novemdecillion | |
Cake Injections | Marsies | Marsies profit x999 | $700 novemdecillion | |
Video Games | Men | Men profit x99 | $900 novemdecillion | |
Sugar Licks | Buggles | Buggles profit x99 | $1 vigintillion | |
Brimstone Filters | Heck Portal | Heck Portal profit x99 | $5 unvigintillion | |
Olive Branches | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x99 | $17 unvigintillion | |
Discount Uploads | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x99 | $99 unvigintillion | |
Innovative Shapes | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x99 | $231 unvigintillion | |
Obedience Training | Terrorformer | Terrorformer profit x99 | $333 unvigintillion | |
Free Pretzels | All businesses | All profits x33 | $500 duovigintillion | |
Work Gloves | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x999 | $123 tresvigintillion | |
Super Sizers | Marsies | Marsies profit x999 | $246 tresvigintillion | |
Milking Machines | Buggles | Buggles profit x999 | $369 tresvigintillion | |
Fun Guns | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x999 | $2 quattuorvigintillion | |
Nose Implants | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x999 | $3 quattuorvigintillion | |
Oxygen Service Plans | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x999 | $12 quattuorvigintillion | |
Spider Houses | Terrorformer | Terrorformer profit x999 | $23 quattuorvigintillion | |
Novelty Bobbleheads | All businesses | All profits x66 | $1 quinvigintillion | |
Mullet Installer | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x33 | $5 tretrigintillion | |
Splash Proof Friers | Marsies | Marsies profit x33 | $125 tretrigintillion | |
BBQ Sauce Stocks | Men | Men profit x33 | $450 tretrigintillion | |
Squeeze Toys | Buggles | Buggles profit x33 | $625 tretrigintillion | |
Friendship Invasion | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x33 | $3 quattuortrigintillion | |
Attractive Faux Spouses | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x33 | $25 quattuortrigintillion | |
New Charge Cables | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x33 | $100 quattuortrigintillion | |
Mars Cars | All businesses | All profits x33 | $100 quintrigintillion | |
Big Ol' Buckets | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x77 | $1 sextrigintillion | |
Mandatory Staff Sing Alongs | Marsies | Marsies profit x77 | $4 sextrigintillion | |
Gunmetal Utensils | Men | Men profit x77 | $55 sextrigintillion | |
Buggle Drives | Buggles | Buggles profit x77 | $90 sextrigintillion | |
Thoughtful Gifts | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x77 | $210 sextrigintillion | |
Inconspicous Turbans | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x77 | $431 sextrigintillion | |
Smile Lessons | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x77 | $777 sextrigintillion | |
Lucky Stars | All businesses | All profits x777 | $500 septentrigintillion | |
Carbon Fiber Lassos | Buggles | Buggles profit x33 | $5 trequadragintillion | |
Rainbows | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x33 | $35 trequadragintillion | |
Austrian Accent-er | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x33 | $177 trequadragintillion | |
Siriously Friendly AI | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x33 | $569 trequadragintillion | Siri is the personal assistant in Apple products, such as the iPhone. |
Backhoe With Rockets | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x33 | $714 trequadragintillion | |
Creamcheese Sprayer | Marsies | Marsies | $976 trequadragintillion | |
Rocket Golf Carts | Men | Men profit x33 | $1 quattuorquadragintillion | |
Cheap Water | All businesses | All profits x33 | $50 quattuorquadragintillion | |
Dump Tracks | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x66 | $1 septquadragintillion | |
Smarmy Mascot | Marsies | Marsies profit x66 | $2 septquadragintillion | |
Pirate Flags | Men | Men profit x66 | $6 septquadragintillion | |
Rodeo Clowns | Buggles | Buggles profit x66 | $9 septquadragintillion | |
Ear Plugs | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x66 | $49 septquadragintillion | |
Robo-Taxi Upgrades | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x66 | $300 septquadragintillion | |
Free Tortoisenecks | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x66 | $700 septquadragintillion | |
President Carter | All businesses | All profits x55 | $300 octoquadragintillion | |
New Labels | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x99 | $5 unquinquagintillion | |
FDM Deregulation | Marsies | Marsies profit x99 | $14 unquinquagintillion | |
Military Hardware | Men | Men profit x99 | $66 unquinquagintillion | |
Genetic Engineering | Buggles | Buggles profit x99 | $88 unquinquagintillion | |
Karaoke Machines | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x99 | $250 unquinquagintillion | |
Mutant Slums | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x99 | $444 unquinquagintillion | |
Fancy Logo | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x99 | $653 unquinquagintillion | |
Free Cookies | All businesses | All profits x15 | $1 trequinquagintillion | |
Flashy Sandbags | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x77 | $1 sexquinquagintillion | |
Shiny Bibs | Marsies | Marsies profit x77 | $3 sexquinquagintillion | |
Carbon Nanotube Mugs | Men | Men profit x77 | $9 sexquinquagintillion | |
Fancy Feed | Buggles | Buggles profit x77 | $19 sexquinquagintillion | |
Power Ties | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x77 | $36 sexquinquagintillion | |
Brain Drains | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x77 | $99 sexquinquagintillion | |
Magnetic Plugs | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x77 | $279 sexquinquagintillion | |
Trees | All businesses | All profits x25 | $400 sexquinquagintillion | |
Anti-Grav Spades | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x999 | $1 sexagintillion | |
Sticks | Marsies | Marsies profit x999 | $5 sexagintillion | |
Lightning Shooters | Men | Men profit x999 | $8 sexagintillion | |
Petting Zoo | Buggles | Buggles profit x999 | $10 sexagintillion | |
Sensitivity Training | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x999 | $66 sexagintillion | |
Magnets | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x999 | $153 sexagintillion | |
Is there life on Mars? | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x999 | $372 sexagintillion | |
Test Spiders 11 | Terrorformer | Terrorformer profit x999 | $500 sexagintillion | |
Mars Movers | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x33 | $6 sexsexagintillion | |
Beer-batter Formula | Marsies | Marsies profit x33 | $25 sexsexagintillion | |
Easy-On Muscles | Men | Men profit x33 | $80 sexsexagintillion | |
Trusty Buggle-Dogs | Buggles | Buggles profit x33 | $170 sexsexagintillion | |
Diplomacy Simulators | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x33 | $439 sexsexagintillion | |
$10 Rebate | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x33 | $650 sexsexagintillion | |
More Marketing | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x33 | $900 sexsexagintillion | |
Big Old Lasers | Terrorformer | Terrorformer profit x33 | $25 septsexagintillion | |
KLAATU Drones | All businesses | All profits x9 | $250 septsexagintillion | The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) (Film) |
Dirt Magnets | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x22 | $1 septuagintillion | |
Mega Sized | Marsies | Marsies profit x22 | $11 septuagintillion | |
Micro-Breeds | Buggles | Buggles profit x22 | $222 septuagintillion | |
Elocution Lessons | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x22 | $333 septuagintillion | |
A CHOPPA | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x22 | $444 septuagintillion | |
Audience Engagment | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x22 | $555 septuagintillion | |
Web Ornaments | Terrorformer | Terrorformer profit x22 | $666 septuagintillion | |
Magnetosphere | All businesses | All profits x66 | $1 unseptuagintillion | |
All Terrain Scoopers | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x44 | $10 treseptuagintillion | |
Drone Delivery | Marsies | Marsies profit x44 | $20 treseptuagintillion | |
Funny Hats | Buggles | Buggles profit x44 | $40 treseptuagintillion | |
Revealing Robes | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x44 | $60 treseptuagintillion | |
Good Lawyers | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x44 | $150 treseptuagintillion | |
Hot Tubs | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x44 | $356 treseptuagintillion | |
Juicy Space Flies | Terrorformer | Terrorformer profit x44 | $900 treseptuagintillion | |
Earth Independence | All businesses | All profits x777 | $6 quattuorseptuagintillion | |
The Mega Dirt Upgrade | Red Dirt | Red Dirt profit x999 | $1 quinseptuagintillion | |
The Mega Marsie Upgrade | Marsies | Marsies profit x999 | $1 sexseptuagintillion | |
The Mega Buggle Upgrade | Buggles | Buggles profit x999 | $1 septseptuagintillion | |
The Mega Ambassador Upgrade | Ambassadors | Ambassadors profit x999 | $1 octoseptuagintillion | |
The Mega Brain-cation Upgrade | Brain-cation | Brain-cation profit x999 | $1 novempeptuagintillion
(should be novemseptuagintillion) |
The Mega LiFE Pod Upgrade | LiFE Pod | LiFE Pod profit x999 | $1 octogintillion | |
The Mega Terrorformer Upgrade | Terrorformer | Terrorformer profit x999 | $1 unoctogintillion |
Upgrades | |
Basic | Upgrades · Cash Upgrades · Angel Upgrades · Gold Upgrades · Mega Bucks Upgrades |
Off-Planet | Cash Upgrades (Moon) · Angel Upgrades (Moon) · Cash Upgrades (Mars) · Angel Upgrades (Mars) |